Hayfield Farm Swim Club

contact hfsc

All board members can be reached by submitting the form to the below or by emailing info@hayfieldpool.com

hayfield pool Address

7820 Hayfield Road, Alexandria, VA 22315
Phone: 703-971-9837 (monitored during pool season only)
Email: info@hayfieldpool.com  (monitored year round)

2022-2023 Board of Directors

7820 Hayfield Road, Alexandria, VA 22315

Phone: 703-971-9837 (monitored during pool season only)

Email: info@hayfieldpool.com  (monitored year round)

President - Lewis Blocker

Vice President - Elke McLaren

Secretary - Christy Esteve

Treasurer - Steve Redhead

Operations Chair - Tom Ryan

Membership Chair - Joe Belt

Social Committee Chair - Barbara Archambo

Swim and Dive Team Liaison - Stephanie Schoennauer

Maintenance Chair - Adam Jorjorian

you can also send an email by submitting the FOLLOWING form: